Category: mantras
Transmission album release
mantramatic’s first album, Transmission, was officially released June 7, 2020, and since then has slowly and steadily been gaining listens on Pandora, Spotify, and Bandcamp. Since it was released on CD Baby, it is available on all major (and most minor) streaming platforms. If you would like to stream, best bets are Spotify and Bandcamp. […]
Transmission will be slightly delayed
mantramatic’s first album Transmission will be slightly delayed because of the coronavirus situation. The irony of the name is not lost on me. There are three or four meanings here, at least. At any rate, an interesting story, unfolding in the now-moment. Just spoke to our sound engineer/producer Bob and mantramatic was literally the last […]
Adi mantra on HearNow
Adi mantra is available on HearNow, which is good for mobile listening!
Adi mantra on bandcamp
Adi mantra by mantramatic
Link to the mantramatic Pandora station
The mantramatic Pandora station currently (January 2020) features the pre-album release mantras “Waah Yantee” and “Mul Mantra.” The very mantra-happy “Adi Mantra + Mangalacharan Mantra” will be there about Feb. 9th 2020. And the full “Transmission” album, for which the universe has waited patiently until just this very intersection in cosmic time (but what’s a […]
Transmission album will be complete early 2020
We’re revving up the mantramatic Transmission to finish this first album. Adi Mantra (ong namo), Sat Siri, and Long Ek Ong Kar are going to be finished in a couple of weeks and uploaded to Pandora. The last few–a live 22-minute glorious Wahe Guru, a rousing version of Rahke Rakhanahar, and a very loving devotional […]
Mul mantra is available on CD Baby
The final mix of Mul mantra is now available on CD Baby for the low, low cost (in material-world terms) of 99 cents! Since CD Baby publishes to Spotify, you can stream the mantra there for free. So why buy the download? One, the audio quality is much better–because of the requirements for streaming audio, […]
Mul mantra final mix is on Insight Timer
The final mix of Mul mantra has just been published on the meditation app Insight Timer. The first mantra for the album-in-process (Waah Yantee) was posted there a couple of months ago and has had about 1K listens, and was honored to be selected as a staff pick last month. We are grateful to the […]