mantra music! Transmission will be finished soon

Finished Just Ahead of Coronavirus

mantra music! Transmission will be finished soon. Even in these strange days of coronavirus, the stars seem to have aligned for this project. This is an odd-seeming conjunction of many things, for me and for the planet. One of those extraordinary things is that we completed the last recording session for the Transmission album on 3.11.2020, just under the wire before the worldwide coronavirus madness closed the studio for a bit. I feel grateful that the guides, ascended masters, plant spirits, and angels were all making sure that this thing got finished. It was certainly beyond me. This album is a Transmission in so many ways.

What are We Releasing and When?

The last few tracks are being mixed now, then the album goes to mastering. It will include about seven tracks plus a couple of bonus tracks, about 90 minutes of amazing mantra music. mantramatic makes mantra music for the new millenium! The complete album will be released around the end of April on Pandora, Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes, and a few other places. For those who want to dig deeper, we’ll record some interviews for YouTube where we talk about the mantras, healing, the science of sound vibrations, and where this is pointing us in the new Aquarian Age.

Mantras for Protection and Healing

The best healing and protection (besides common sense, hand-washing, and social distancing) for this time of uncertainty and disease-based fear is to listen to and chant mantras. It’s easy, anybody can do it, it’s free, and it’s on the web. Please tune in to what we already have out there in this crazy time to help keep yourself and those around you more sane. In the end many positive things will come from this current state of flux. For now let us all stay positive and uplift ourselves and others as best we can.

Transmission album cover--front
Transmission album cover–front



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